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Registering yourself on Trustarian is a simple process. Collecting your basic Rotary details like name, country, state, district and club; helps us verify your Rotary status. Our simple pull down menus help you find your club details fast.

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To ensure the integrity of, you must verify your email address and our team must verify your Rotary membership status as an active member.

A quick response to the verification email we send, will speed up the membership verification process plus establish a personal account where you can create your Trustarian Business or Trustarian Vacation By Owner profile.

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Create Profile

Our Trustarian FREE platform is always free and simple to establish. Once your email address has been verified, you will be redirected to your personal account page.

Here you can quickly set up your online profile by selecting Trustarian Business or +Add Home. Simply add your details to the blank fields and make payment if a paid profile has been selected. Submit for approval and we’ll do the rest.

Easy to create. Easy to edit. Easy to upgrade. makes it easy to market to other Rotarians around the world with a simple to navigate platform design to encourage developing business relationships with trustworthy individuals like yourself.

Once your profile is created, you may stay on our FREE platform for as long as you wish, upgrade to a paid subscription or add and market a vacation home to other Rotarians around the world.

Rotarians shaking hands

Advanced Networking Tools

Take your membership in Rotary to the next level. Trustarian brings networking to Rotary like never before.

Our worldwide search engine is the perfect platform to drive new business, meet trustworthy people and promote Rotarian to Rotarian travel.

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